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Our Classes

Alphabetical List with Descriptions

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1-Wall Line Dance Basic

Trudy Sherman

Low impact, no turning, dances done to fun pop music from throughout the decades.
• These line dances are designed to be safe for the joints and fun to do. Modifications are provided whenever needed.
• Dancers always face forward so they can see and hear the instructor and do not get disoriented.
• Moves are taught and practiced before doing the dance to music.
• No memorization is required. Moves are called out in advance of doing them.

* No dance experience required
* Basic steps only
* Simple timing

Available live on Zoom

Thursday 5:00 - 5:55 pm


1-Wall Line Dance Intermediate

Trudy Sherman

Low impact, no turning, dances done to fun pop music from throughout the decades.
• These line dances are designed to be safe for the joints and fun to do. Modifications are provided whenever needed.
• Dancers always face forward so they can see and hear the instructor and do not get disoriented.
• Moves are taught and practiced before doing the dance to music.
• No memorization is required. Moves are called out in advance of doing them.

* Knowledge of Basic steps recommended
* Basic and more advanced steps
* Variety of timing

Available live on Zoom

Thursday 9:15 - 10:10 am
Saturday 10:30 - 11:25 am


Ballroom Basic: Timing & Basic Steps

Trudy & Kevin Sherman

Basic Ballroom classes focus on:
- Timing
- Basic steps
- Basics of partner dancing

Wednesday 6:15 - 7:10 pm


Ballroom Drills

Luisa Alvarez

Beginner friendly class for individuals. The foundational skills of ballroom dance are taught and practiced repetitively. Most skills are useful in all types of dance.

Tuesday 6:30 -7:15 pm

Reserve your Spot

Ballroom Intermediate: Connection & More Steps

Trudy & Kevin Sherman

Intermediate Ballroom classes focus on:
* Lead/follow techniques
* Intermediate/Advanced steps
* Step sequences
* Modifications for joint limitations, height difference, etc.

Wednesday 7:15 - 8:10 pm
2nd & 3rd Thursday 7:15 - 8:10 pm


Ballroom Lesson & Social

Trudy & Kevin Sherman

Lesson: Sequence of 8-10 steps
* Improves fluidity in transitions
* Improves continuity in dance

Social: Open dancing
* Variety of dance music
* Light refreshments

3rd Saturday 7:15 - 9:15 pm


Crane Dance - Gentle Tai Chi

Trudy Sherman

In Crane Dance - Gentle Tai Chi, stationary crane, qigong, and tai chi moves are taught and combined in a continuous fluid sequence telling the story of Young Crane.

Available live on Zoom

Saturday 9:15 - 10:10 am


Gentle Tai Chi - Qigong

Trudy Sherman

Gentle Tai Chi-Qigong consists of gentle Qigong (Chee gung) stretches and Tai Chi (Tie chee) movements that help improve circulation and release stress. It was developed specifically for Parkinson's patients. Balance aids such as the back of a chair or a walker can be used, if needed. Gentle Tai Chi can also be done sitting.

Available live on Zoom

Friday 1:00 - 1:55 pm


Gentle Tai Chi Sequences

Trudy Sherman

Gentle Tai Chi Sequences is slightly more rigorous than the Gentle Tai Chi-Qigong class. Individual moves from Easy Tai Chi-Qigong are combined in continuous fluid sequences that are stationary.

Available live on Zoom

Tuesday 1:00 - 1:55 pm


International Folk Dance - Recreational

Jo-Anne Magninie

This is a recreational Folk Dance group. Come to dance ethnic folk dances from around the world. Everyone welcome. Call the studio for more information.

Friday 11:30 am - 12:45 pm


Israeli Folk Dance - Beg-Int Recreational

Deborah Packard

This is a recreational Israeli Folk Dance group. The dances are beginner to intermediate in complexity.

This dance group is for:
* Newcomers
* Those who danced once upon a time and want to get re-introduced to Israeli dancing
* Those who prefer the simpler Israeli dances (Beginner / Pioneer / Nostalgic)
Call the studio for more information.

Thursday 10:30 - 11:25 am


Israeli Folk Dance - Int-Adv Recreational

Deborah Packard

This is a recreational Israeli Folk Dance group. The dances are intermediate to complex.

​Anyone is welcome who has the ability to ‘follow’ a dance, or an interest in attempting to follow, or simply wants to enjoy Israeli music. Dances on occasion are taught/reviewed. Call the studio for more information.

Various experienced dancers lead different dances.

Thursday 11:30 am - 1:30 pm


Performance Dance Team Co-Ed

Mona Brandt

This is a dance team for all ages & levels. Men & ladies are welcome. No partner is necessary. We are starting a new routine for the 2024 Dance year. We will perform in shows and showcases, and also at the Arizona Dance Classic in August. We will teach you the steps you need to know.

Available live on Zoom

Sunday 2:30 - 3:25 pm


Performance Dance Team Ladies

Mona Brandt

This is a ladies dance team for all ages & levels.We are starting a new routine for the 2024 Dance year. We will perform in shows and showcases, and also at the Arizona Dance Classic in August. We will teach you the steps you need to know.

Sunday 1:30 - 2:30 pm


Sound Meditation

Jennifer Sherman

This class focuses on a combination of guided and solo meditation, intertwined with music from singing bowls and other instruments. It incorporate Qigong (chee-gung) by engaging the body in gentle mindful stretches. Beginner friendly. No previous experience necessary!

4th Thursday 7:30-8:45 pm


T'ai Chi Swords

Darin Henry

T'ai Chi practice with swords.

Monday 7:00 - 7:55 pm

Reserve your Spot

T'ai Chi Yang Form

Darin Henry

Yang form T'ai Chi practice.

Monday 6:00 - 6:55 pm

Reserve your Spot
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